What Is a Proper Full Load of Laundry? (2024)


Sarah Aguirre

Sarah Aguirre is a housekeeping expert with over 20 years of experience cleaning residentially and commercially. Over that time, she has been writing about tips and tricks for housekeeping and organizing a home for national publications.

Updated on 01/24/23

Reviewed by

Katherine Picott

What Is a Proper Full Load of Laundry? (1)

Reviewed byKatherine Picott

Katherine is a professional home organizer and certified KonMari consultant with over 5 years of experience helping clients get their homes in order. She launched her own professional organizing business, Tidy Milso, in the summer of 2020, to help reorient those feeling overwhelmed with both clutter and disorganization in their homes. To date, she has logged over 500 hours of organizing with her clients using Marie Kondo’s KonMari method.

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What Is a Proper Full Load of Laundry? (2)

If you're like most people, you save your loads of laundry until they pile up, and then you want to get it all done as quickly as possible. It's tempting to stuff the washing machine to the brim and hope for clean clothes at the end of the cycle. And while it's energy-efficient to run only full loads of laundry, overfilling the washing machine is not good for the clothes or the machine. But how do you know how much laundry makes a full load? There are a couple of easy options.

Laundry Machine Capacity

How much laundry makes a "full load" depends on the size, or capacity, of your washing machine. Low-capacity top-loaders may accommodate only 6 pounds of clothing to be full. Medium-capacity top-loading washing machines can usually tolerate 7–8 pounds. The highest capacity top-loaders might do well with as much as 12–15 pounds. Front-loading washing machines often can hold as much as 18 pounds of clothing. Refer to your machine's owner's manual or contact the manufacturer for specific load-weight recommendations for your machine model.

How Much Does Clothing Weigh?

So how many items are in 1pound—or one load—of clothing, or can you weigh it? Either approach works, and you can choose whichever you prefer. To weigh a load of laundry, put the entire load into a laundry basket. First, weigh yourself on a scale without holding the laundry basket. Then, weigh yourself while holding the basket. Subtract the first weight (just you) from the second weight (you with the basket); the result is the weight of the laundry load (minus the weight of the basket, which you can estimate).

The other approach is to estimate the weight based on the total clothing items in the load. To give you an idea of how much a typical load weighs, the following items all together weigh about 10 pounds:

  • Seven pairs/sets of underwear
  • Seven pairs of socks
  • Five short-sleeve T-shirts
  • Two long-sleeve shirts
  • One sweatshirt or sweater
  • Two pairs of jeans or four pairs of shorts
  • One sheet set
  • One towel

Clothing Size

In addition to weight limitationson washing machines, there are also size restrictions. The best load of laundry is one that mixes items of varying sizes. This allows clothing to move fluidly in the washing machine and helps ensure complete washing and rinsing. By contrast, a machine that's overloaded with too many items or with large or bulky items has a hard time getting everything wet and distributing the soap evenly, resulting in poor washing, rinsing, and spinning, and the clothes come out wetter than they should. Overloading also can lead to clothing damage, especially in old-style top-loading machines with tall agitators. The packed-in clothes get pulled and twisted more when there's not enough room to move.Front-loading machines, which don't have an agitator, are much better with large items than old conventional top-loaders.

Determining what's too big for your machine is up to your judgment. But as a general rule, if a single item fills more than 3/4 of the tub, it's probably too big for the machine. If so, wash the item in a high-capacity machine in a laundromat. Fortunately, the largest items are usually comforters and bedspreads, and those need only periodic washing.

What Is a Proper Full Load of Laundry? (2024)


What Is a Proper Full Load of Laundry? ›

How big is a load of laundry? You have a medium or regular load if the drum is around half full, for a large load you'll have to fill it until three-quarters full, and if you have even more laundry to do, fill it up until you can fit your palm between the wall of the drum and your clothes.

How much should be in one load of laundry? ›

As a rule of thumb, 12 pounds of laundry is appropriate for a standard top-load machine. A front-load washer can accommodate as much as 15 to 18 pounds of clothing. An extra-large front load machine can wash 20 to 22 pounds of laundry in one cycle.

How many towels is a full load of laundry? ›

Load the towels without overstuffing.

A front-load washer can handle a 12-pound load on average, or about seven bath towels; a top-load washer can usually handle a 15- to 18-pound load, or nine to 11 bath towels.

Is it better to do a full load of laundry? ›

Always run a full load of laundry

Washers and dryers use about the same amount of electricity to wash a small load as they do a full load. So, it's more efficient to wait to do laundry until you have a full load, but remember -- don't over-stuff your dryer.

What does 12 pounds of laundry look like? ›

You may be able to wash more or you may need to remove some items. As an example, 12 pounds of laundry might look like a load of two bath towels, six T-shirts, and four pairs of jeans. Now you're ready to load the washer and select the appropriate water temperature and cycle.

How many clothes is 15 pounds? ›

What does 15, 20 or 40 pounds of laundry look like?
15 pounds20 pounds40 pounds
2 pairs of shorts2 pair of shorts4 pairs of shorts
5 tee shirts6 tee shirts12 tee shirts
9 pairs of underwear9 pairs of underwear18 pairs of underwear
2 towels2 towels4 towels
3 more rows
Aug 21, 2017

Is it OK to use the same towel for a week? ›

How often to wash towels. The best way to prevent germs from growing on your bath towel is to let it dry completely between each use, and wash it frequently. The Cleaning Institute recommends washing bath towels after three uses. If you shower every day, that means laundry almost twice a week.

How much laundry is overloading? ›

By placing your hand into your machine's drum, you can see how much space is left. Perfect is if you can fit nothing else in the drum, just your hand and your wash. If you can't get your hand into the drum, then it's overloaded.

Can I wash a few towels with clothes? ›

You can wash clothes with sheets and towels. But just as when you wash sheets and towels together or wash clothes with towels, pay attention to the washing labels so you don't wash the load at a hotter temperature than the lowest maximum indicated when taking all items into consideration.

How much does the average person do laundry? ›

Surveys indicate that American households average five loads of laundry per week, with many families doing laundry more than once a day. By comparison, other countries such as France typically average more like three laundry loads each week.

Is 30 minutes enough for laundry? ›

That depends on your washing machine's settings. Most washers need 32 to 38 minutes to clean your clothes, though some allow you to purchase an extra-long wash and/or rinse cycle. Alternatively, some washers are extremely efficient and give you the option to wash your clothes under 30 minutes.

Is it cheaper to do laundry at night? ›

Try washing before 4 p.m. or after 7 p.m. – Many energy companies charge extra for electricity during their “peak hours,” which see increased energy usage. During the summer, run your washer early in the morning – energy use peaks on hot afternoons.

What is considered heavy laundry? ›

Heavy-duty is a cycle with a long wash time and high agitation. It is used for sturdy fabrics such as towels, jeans, or if you have heavily soiled clothes. Heavy-duty cycles also have a fast spin cycle to remove as much moisture as possible from your clothes before the cycle ends.

How many clothes is 10 pounds? ›

To give you an idea of how much a typical load weighs, the following items all together weigh about 10 pounds: Seven pairs/sets of underwear. Seven pairs of socks. Five short-sleeve T-shirts.

What size washer do I need to wash a king size comforter? ›

Comforters: Instead of lugging your king-size comforter to a laundromat, you can wash it in any washer with a claimed capacity of at least 4.5 cubic feet, according to our tests. It's best washed by itself, for better agitation and rinsing. An extra rinse cycle might also be helpful for these bulky items.

What happens if you underload a washing machine? ›

Under loading the washing machine can also cause problems. In the old days it often resulted in violent out of balanced loads causing damage to the washing machine. These days under-loading is more likely to result in the washer simply refusing to spin so you end up with a finished cycle but wet laundry..

How many pounds of laundry do you need a week for one person? ›

As far as how much weight this amounts to, the individual's size will factor in. a good estimate for an average individual would be 20-30 lbs. per week. This could be less for some individuals or more depending on so many factors personal to each individual.

How much laundry detergent do I need per load? ›

How much detergent should I use? As a general rule of thumb, you should only use about a tablespoon of laundry detergent per regular load size. (The measuring cup that comes with your liquid laundry detergent is about 10 times larger than the actual amount of laundry soap needed.)

Is 15 pounds noticeable? ›

How much weight a person needs to lose for it to be noticeable is also subjective as it depends on your frame and starting body mass index, according to Guzman. On average, a 15 to 20-pound loss (approximately 2 to 5 percent of your starting body weight) is enough to notice "significant changes in your body," he said.

How much extra do you weigh with clothes on? ›

Men can lop off nearly 2.5 lbs to account for their clothing while women can only subtract around 2. And this holds true, unfortunately, no matter what the weather outside. So no more making allowances for that thick wool sweater. Now you know exactly how much your clothes weigh.

How many lbs is a full laundry basket? ›

To start, a regular home laundry basket will hold approximately 10 pounds of dirty laundry as illustrated in the adjacent photo. We zeroed the scale with an empty laundry basket and then added 10 pounds of laundry.

How often should you shower? ›

Many doctors say a daily shower is fine for most people. (More than that could start to cause skin problems.) But for many people, two to three times a week is enough and may be even better to maintain good health.

How often should you change your shower towel? ›

How often should I wash my bath towels? Dead skin cells, bacteria, and even sweat can accumulate quickly on your towels, so using a fresh one about every three days is a simple rule of thumb—for all kinds of towels. You can of course change them more often.

How often should you wash your blankets? ›

Roand says that blankets that are between sheets and don't come in direct contact with your body can be washed monthly, while large comforters and duvet covers should be washed at least every two weeks.

How many jeans can I wash at once? ›

Since denim is heavy and holds water, avoid washing more than two pairs of jeans together.

What happens if your laundry load is too big? ›

If your machine is overloaded, it can force small items down the drainage line. As annoying as those things are, overloading can also damage your washer. When that mountain of laundry gets wet, the extra weight can damage the components and strain the motor to the point that it might need a repair.

Is it OK to do multiple loads of laundry a day? ›

Regardless of the type of appliance you have, you should still spread out your loads. Instead of doing several loads in one day, consider doing 1 load per day or space out 2 loads if you must do more in a single day.

Do you wash towels in hot or cold water? ›

Towels should be washed in the warmest water appropriate for the fabric according to the care label. Generally, warm or hot water is recommended for washing towels. Use a cycle specifically for towels or a normal/regular cycle.

Can I wash socks with clothes? ›

Washing Socks with Clothes

We recommend washing your socks separately if you prefer to use warm or hot water for your clothing items. However, if you're washing socks with clothes that also require a cold cycle, laundering them together is fine!

Is it OK to wash socks with towels? ›

Towels can be washed with anything cotton — so t-shirts, socks, cotton or flannel PJs, sweats, sheets and so on are all fair game. Gym clothes — anything with lycra or spandex — hate towels and fleece, so don't mix those things if you can avoid it.

Is it cheaper to do laundry at home? ›

It is cheaper to do laundry at home versus at a laundromat for a variety of reasons, but to name a few: Because laundromats are a for-profit business, they will charge you a premium for the water and electricity consumed by each load, resulting in a higher cost per load.

How often should 1 person do laundry? ›

Every three to four times you wear or use them: bath towels, bras, slips, dresses, sweaters, skirts, pajamas, slacks and jeans. Weekly: sheets, pillowcases and bath mats. Monthly: mattress pads, bathrobes and pillow liners.

How many times a week is it normal to do laundry? ›

Laundry is very subjective, but it is recommended that you should be doing at least one load of laundry a week, depending on how often you re-wear clothes and what kind of daily lifestyle you have.

Is a quick wash cheaper? ›

By using less energy, a quick wash will also save you money, too. But a quick wash isn't the best option if you need to wash stained clothes. The temperature is too low to lift a stain properly, so always use a full wash for this.

Is it OK to leave clothes in washer for an hour? ›

A good rule of thumb is to avoid leaving clothes in the washer for more than 8 to 12 hours.

Do clothes get clean on a quick wash? ›

No, you cannot use a quick wash to clean all of your laundry. A quick wash cycle should only be used to clean lightly soiled items of clothing. If you have very dirty clothes, or items that are stained, they should be washed on a normal wash setting, whereby the cycle length is longer and the water is warmer.

What uses the most electricity in a home? ›

Top five energy consuming home appliances
  • Wet appliances. Washing machines, dishwashers and tumble dryers account for 14% of a typical energy bill, taking the top spot in our list. ...
  • Cold appliances. ...
  • Consumer electronics. ...
  • Lighting. ...
  • Cooking.
Jan 14, 2022

What is the most common day to do laundry? ›

After collecting over 60,000 data points over several months, he discovered that Fridays and Sundays are the best days for students to do their laundry. In fact, students are most likely to find open machines on Friday mornings roughly between 10 and 11 a.m. And the worst days to do laundry?

Why clothes are not washed on Thursday? ›

In those days, the people were wearing saffron coloured clothes. Saffron colour is meant for Jupiter. If we wear saffron, it protects us from negative rays and vibrations. Since Thursday is meant for Jupiter, we are advised to avoid washing clothes on Thursdays that may wipe our good fortunes away.

How much laundry detergent per load on average? ›

Ryan Lupberger, CEO and co-founder of Cleancult, says that, for an average-sized and soiled load, a good rule of thumb is to use . 5 ounces of laundry detergent for high-efficiency machines and 1 ounce for traditional machines.

How much is 10 lbs of laundry? ›

To give you an idea of how much a typical load weighs, the following items all together weigh about 10 pounds: Seven pairs/sets of underwear. Seven pairs of socks. Five short-sleeve T-shirts.

Can you put too little in a washing machine? ›

Is Underloading Bad? Yes! Using a washing machine with the drum less than around 25-50% full can cause long term damage to your washing machine. This is partly due to the load being too small to spread evenly throughout the drum, leading to imbalances within the machine during the course of the wash.

What happens if you use too much detergent? ›

In addition to trapping dirt and building up over time, using too much laundry detergent can cause numerous problems for your clothes. As detergent builds up, it can leave behind an invisible layer of film that can trap dirt and hard water minerals, giving clothes a dingy or faded appearance.

How much laundry detergent to use in top loader? ›

The two-tablespoons rule applies to high-efficiency and standard top-loading washers. It's the same for powdered detergent as well.

Do you really need fabric softener? ›

Do I Need Fabric Softener? The simple answer to this question is: no. You don't need to use fabric softener in your wash. Fabric softeners don't contribute to the washing and cleaning of your clothes, so you don't need to worry about stain removal or lingering odors if you leave it out.

How much liquid detergent should be used in HE washer? ›

How much HE detergent should you use? When using HE detergent in a regular washer, you'll need about 1/4 cup for a normal-sized load. There might be fewer suds, but you'll still get a good clean. For a normal-sized load in a high-efficiency washing machine, the recommended HE detergent amount is usually 2 tablespoons.

Can too much detergent make clothes smell? ›

If you're using too much laundry detergent, your clothes will carry an odor and wear down the machine. The laundry detergent you use can affect your clothes in many ways. For instance, if too much is used it could stain or mark up the clothing which may have an effect on how they look and smell.

How much detergent do you use for bed sheets? ›

A good rule of thumb is to use 2 ounces (1/4 cup) or half a cap full of liquid laundry detergent for a regular sized load of bedding. You can also use 4 ounces (1/2 cup) or 1 full cap of liquid laundry detergent for a larger load of bulkier items.

Can clothes add 10 pounds? ›

Clothing. Wearing clothing while weighing yourself can add up to two pounds—more if you're wearing shoes. Again, this isn't a big deal if you consistently weigh yourself wearing the same thing, but since our clothes vary with our moods and seasons, it's best to go without when you step on the scale.

How many clothes is a pound of laundry? ›

Salvation Army district manager Tom Canfield estimates three to six items, depending on size, weigh a pound.

How do you know if you overload your washing machine? ›

By placing your hand into your machine's drum, you can see how much space is left. Perfect is if you can fit nothing else in the drum, just your hand and your wash. If you can't get your hand into the drum, then it's overloaded.

Can I wash 1 item in a washing machine? ›

Yes, you can wash a single item in your washing machine! This includes items like your favorite pair of jeans, a sweater, or even just some socks. There are however, certain ways you can wash a single item to help maximize its cleanliness. One way is to wash it in cold water.

What is the lifespan of a washing machine? ›

There are two categories of washing machines when determining the average lifespan of these appliances. Traditionally, top-load washers last about 14 years, and they have been used for generations. The average lifespan of front-load washers, on the other hand, is about 11 years.

What cycle should you use for jeans? ›

Use a delicate or gentle cycle

Denim may seem like a tough fabric, but that doesn't mean you should choose a heavy duty wash cycle. Instead, opt for a delicate or gentle cycle, and use cold water to avoid shrinking or fading.


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.